Electrical Power
First you will need to Connect the Smart Bulb or Smart Plug to an Electrical Source or Light Fixture. Smart Light Bulbs & Smart Plugs can be used in Existing Fixtures then Control them from Your Remote Choice. Once Installed and Programmed you will leave the Wall or Lamp Switch in the On Position for that Fixture. Smart Light Bulbs are LED Technology.
The Choice
Is the Purchase of a Smart Light Bulb or Smart Plug a "Smart" Decision? For some the Purchase and Use of a Smart Light Bulb is Absolutely a Necessity
You could be at ease by Controlling one or more Lights in your Home Remotely to make it look like there is someone at Home or Light Up the Backyard from anywhere in the World.
The Confidence that you could get from a Smart Light Bulb or Smart Plug could easily offset the Initial Cost. Smart Bulbs have been coming down in Price. If you "Smart" Shop the Cost compared to a Single LED Bulb is not that much more, in some cases less than Half.
Smart Light Bulbs and Smart Plugs can be Controlled by your Wi-Fi or Bluetooth. Some could have both but if you are wanting one or the other check the Devise Instructions, it may not do Both methods of Connectivity. Set Up has become easy on some you can use Voice Control for the Setup.
Smart Bulbs could easily give you Control of On/Off, Diming & Color Change, Set up Routines, Voice Control with or without a Hub at Home or Away.
Be Aware
Some say there is the Possibility that your Personal Information is at risk, since hackers can access your Private Network via your Wi-Fi Connection. Be sure to Set-up Properly and Protect Access with a Strong Pass Word.
Reset your Wi-Fi Pass code every so often use a complicated string of Letters and Numbers including Special Characters, write it down. Hackers may not be keeping up and Manufactures are Improving as Technology Progresses so the Risk may be getting less.
Power Outage
Nothing Electrical works without Power, you will not be able to Command any Devise through the Wi-Fi Connectivity. When the Power is Restored, It is Possible that the Program will need to be Re-Set but there should be a Setting called Power On Behavior or Something Similar that will maintain Your Saved Setting while the Power is Off and when the Power is Restored.
Smart Light Bulbs even when Off use a Small Amount of Electricity. The Amount will be hard to Calculate in Dollars added to your Electric Bill. You have other Appliances that also use Vampire Power when off like your TV, Cable Box, DVD Players, Video Game Controllers and others.
Impede the Wi-Fi
Will the use of smart Dvises slow down the Wi-Fi? A small Number of Devises No, but too Many Smart Devises can overwhelm the Router, too many Devises trying to use the Same Router at the same time can affect the Speed.
Smart Plugs
Smart Plugs are Controlled pretty much the same way, Turn On/Off Coffee Makers, Table Lamps, Start your Dinner Meal, Outside Holiday Lights or your Sprinkler System. They are Simple to use just Plug them into an Outlet, Plug your Devise into the Smart Plug then Set up the Program with your Devise.
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Peter Thiel
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